The programme for the day was environmental health and sanitation. However, as there was a leprosy patient that was going to be transported to Hospital Kulim from Baling district, we were allowed to follow this team. We learnt the procedure of referring a defaulted patient from Klinik Kesihatan to a nearby hospital.
We followed a health department vehicle into Kampung Seratus to pick the patient and then transport the patient to Hospital Kulim. We had the opportunity to elicit history from the patient and to conduct a short physical examination on him.
Later in the afternoon, we proceeded with the programme for the day under the guidance of PPKP Hamzah Ahmad. We were briefed regarding environmental health and sanitation for this district, their activities, contributions and achievements throughout the recent years.
We were then brought by the health officers to Kampung Rebong where we were introduced and exposed to the house connection system. We saw water sysem of each house which communicated with other surrounding houses. This system then drained into two water tanks which finally released the water into a nearby river. This ensures the cleanliness and sanitation of the area is maintained. It also helps prevent the spread of diseases among villagers.
We also had an opportunity to watch several villagers “gotong royong” to build a squatting toilet or rather known as “tandas curah” . This project is subsidized by the government.

The pictures above show how the drainage system of the “kampung” works. From the sink of the house, it is drained into a a pipe with a filter at the end of it.
Then this pipe drains from every houses to a particular tank. From the first tank it is drain into the second tank where the water is filtered again to prevent the oily water from entering the river later on.
picture above shows the villagers doing “gotong-royong” in order to build a “tandas curah” for themselves. The boys will spent their time helping out during the school holiday.
picture shows how the villagers store their equipments.
The pictures show the “Gravity-Feet System” which use to supply water to 111 villagers in the total of 26 houses. Over here, the water is being filtered before supplying to the villagers.
By Cheah Boon Eu, Source from aimstdho.blogspot.com